Request a Compliance Program Assessment Consultation

How are you measuring the effectiveness of your corporate compliance program? An Ethisphere Program Assessment starts with a comprehensive program review and provides a roadmap for improving your corporate compliance program.

An Ethisphere Program Assessment can help you:

  • Meet DOJ and regulator expectations by completing a Third-Party compliance verification
  • Benchmark using the most comprehensive ethics, compliance, and culture dataset available
  • Deliver compliance program performance data & insights to your executive leadership team for continued investment

Fill out the form to request a program assessment consultation and see what a qualified external audit of your activities can do for your program and its effectiveness.

Leading Programs Choose Ethisphere

Client Spotlight

FedEx: Mitigating Ethics and Compliance Risk Across a Global Organization

Conducting an external program evaluation helps FedEx build and maintain a world-class ethics and compliance program

The Challenge

FedEx needed to create a centralized compliance program by consolidating local compliance efforts, spread across 220 countries, serving 570,000.

The Approach

Ethisphere conducted a program assessment that included an examination of their ethics & compliance program, benchmarking against leading practices, extensive document review and executive interviews. 

The Results

Along with recommendations for continuous improvement, FedEx received Compliance Leader Verification, a recognition Ethisphere provides for exceptional programs.

Additional Success Stories

What Other Clients Are Saying About Ethisphere’s Program Assessments

“It’s a differentiator in the marketplace when you have two equally qualified employee benefit providers. Sometimes, it comes down to who you trust. And when you have a company like Unum Group that can point to validation from an external party like Ethisphere, it really does make a difference.”

Beth Simon

Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer
Unum Group

“FedEx is a large and very complex organization. Ethisphere was able to come in and really understand our business and challenges – and that was crucial.

They validated that we were focusing on the right risks, identified areas of improvement, and offered recommendations that we have since implemented.”

Justin Ross

(former) Staff Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer
FedEx Corporation

“The program assessment process is fantastic. You get a report, and you also get a meeting with the Ethisphere analysts who carried out the assessment. You gain a wealth of insight, not only from the raw data, report, and findings, but also from that dialogue where you learn about the differences between your program, and how it compares to other companies.”

Julianna Fox

Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer