Real Biz Shorts
Attention-grabbing short-form communication videos brought to you in partnership with The Second City Works
A Collection of 1-2 Minute Videos Providing a Memorable Way to
Enhance Training Programs
Use to kick off or bridge training topics to conquer learner fatigue
Build Awareness
Add videos to your Intranet site, digital boards, and newsletters
Add Spark to Events
Reinforce messages at your company-wide or compliance team meetings
Videos with Impact
Fortune 500 companies have used Real Biz Shorts
20 million +
Enliven Your Program with Authenticity
Tap into the world’s largest collection of comedic video shorts dedicated to risk areas in Ethics & Compliance. Real Biz Shorts are created by Second City Works, the professional development division of the iconic Second City Comedy theater.
E&C Snapshots
Short, funny, and relatable to ensure the learning not only connects, but sticks.
Unlimited Use
Download any or all videos and supporting assets to share with your entire organization.
Personalize & Localize
Add links, logos, and language to localize the video to your specific message.
A Library of Critical Topics
An on-demand library of more than 235 digital videos covering ethics and compliance, diversity and inclusion, and talent management. Topics include:
- Conflict of Interest
- Corruption + Bribery
- Culture of Compliance
- Fraud + Accurate Reporting
- Information Security + Privacy
- Diversity + Anti-Harassment

Campaign Kit Support Materials
To keep ethics and compliance top of mind and reinforce the key messages, you also have access to campaign kits that allow you to extend the content beyond the videos and create a multimedia approach to your communications strategy.