Managing Multi-Level Third Party Relationships and Due Diligence Requirements in Emerging Markets
Many companies operating in emerging markets rely upon third party contractors and subcontractors to carry out aspects of their business. A common practice when conducting due diligence on these third parties is to use questionnaires and certifications. However, federal regulators have warned that relying on due diligence questionnaires and anti-corruption representations and certifications is insufficient, especially when risks are readily apparent. In this session, panelists discuss the need to go beyond self-certified data, how they have expanded their due diligence efforts, and best practices for conducting due diligence in emerging markets will high risk levels.
- James Koukios, Partner, Co-Chair, Securities Litigation, Enforcement, and White Collar Defense Group, & FCPA and Global Anti-Corruption Group, Morrison & Foerster
- Adam Briggs, Chief Compliance Officer, Mayo Clinic
- Valerie Lam, Anti-Corruption Compliance Counsel and Risk & Compliance Programs Lead, Dell Technologies
- Dominic Smith, Director, Compliance & Ethics Officer, Kayak
The 2022 Global Ethics Summit was Ethisphere’s flagship event and the premier place for companies and delegates to learn, develop, and share ideas that elevate the field of business ethics and compliance. This year’s Summit showcased more companies and featured additional points of view while bringing together a larger community of leaders. This Summit also provided attendees, faculty, and sponsors with close to 50 different sessions, inclusive of plenary, breakout, and select company showcases.
This resource is part of the selected multimedia collection of on-demand resources that was made available to the public this year. If you are a Summit attendee, you may login here to access all sessions from the summit. Didn’t attend? Register here for access. All sessions will be available on-demand until July 2022.