Roundtable: South Florida – Hosted by Ryder System, Inc.
3 HOUR(S) | OCTOBER 3, 2024 - | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM | EDT
Join your compliance peers for an in-person roundtable in South Florida on October 3
Using Technology to Enhance Your Compliance Program
In this session, led by Pilar Caballero, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer & Chief Privacy Officer, Deputy General Counsel at Ryder System Inc., we will hear how Ryder has been leveraging technology in its compliance program. Key takeaways will be identifying key considerations when leveraging technology to automate and optimize compliance resources, challenges in the automation, best practices, and more.
Side Hustles, Influencers, and Part-Time-Gigs, Oh My!: Best practices in Dealing with Conflicts of Interest within Your Employee Population
In this session, led by Felipe Maldonado, Director, Compliance Programs at Salesforce, we will discuss best practices surrounding how to handle the conflicts of interest that may arise when an employee pursues certain types of “side hustles,” such as social media influencing. We will define what constitutes a “competing employee activity,” and the best means of addressing the conflict with the employee. Come ready to participate in this timely, engaging discussion!
Event Registration