
Ethicast Episodes

 SDOJ updates to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (September 2024)

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How Ethisphere Can Help

Ethisphere specializes in helping organizations of all levels of program maturity navigate complex regulatory changes, ensuring your compliance program is equipped to handle evolving requirements. 

Our team of dedicated business integrity experts can offers a range of proven solutions to make it easier to monitor and adjust your compliance efforts in real time. Whether you need help with compliance program assessments, program benchmarking, or measuring and evaluating your speak-up culture, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way.


The September 2024 Update to the ECCP represent a significant shift in how the DOJ views your compliance strategy. By staying informed and proactive, your organization can remain compliant while minimizing risks in our ever-hanging regulatory landscape.

Stay ahead of future updates and subscribe to our Ethisphere Insights newsletter for the latest insights and guidance on compliance strategy, compliance program updates, and regulatory changes. 

External review of your ethics and compliance program is not only a best practice, but also an expectation by regulators as outlined above, enforcement authorities, and other standards setting bodies. An independent assessment provides valuable insights into whether your program aligns with evolving standards and informs your resource allocation and priorities. Read our Guide to Ethics and Compliance Program Assessments: Strategies, Tips and Tools and begin your 20-question program assessment to get a glimpse into your program’s overall effectiveness in our free Compliance Program Self-Assessment.

And for helpful additional resources on artificial intelligence, risk assessments, speak-up culture, and more, please visit the Ethisphere Resource Center at www.ethisphere.com/resources.

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