Ethisphere Webinar

Accelerate your Speak Up Culture from Data to Action Planning: On-Demand

1 HOUR(S) | JUNE 18, 2024 - | 1:00 PM-2:00 PM | EDT

Discover Practical Techniques to Measure, Analyze, and Improve Your Speak Up Culture

Our annual Culture series is now On-Demand with three webinars to transform your speak up culture programs with actionable insights and practical tools. Featuring the experts and analysts behind Ethisphere’s Culture Dataset of 3 million respondents, they’ll be joined by leaders who are implementing strategies that are impacting change. Hear the latest trends in measuring speak up culture, understand how to maximize your data to avoid common pitfalls, and focus on action planning using tools to make impactful change.


JUNE, 18, 2024

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Get To Know Our Speakers

Featured Speakers


Douglas Allen

VP, Data Strategy


Jeannie Hernández

VP and Associate General Counsel


Erica Salmon Byrne

Executive Director and Chief Strategy Officer


Emilie Anderson

Culture Analyst


Curtis Leicht

Senior Data Analyst


Katie Kruger

Data Analyst


Emily Miner

Director of Data & Services

Three Part Webinar Series

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Session 1: Assess

A deep dive into the latest trends in measuring speak up culture and why it’s crucial for your business. Attendees should come away from this session with an understanding of the why and how to measure, with talking points to bring to their team to make the business case for doing so. Leave with exclusive access to our resource on setting yourself up for success in measuring speak up culture.

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Session 2: Explore

The second class evaluates how to get the most out of your data, including considerations for what and how to ask questions to get the segmentation you need. Considerations for whom and how to involve key stakeholders – a foundational step that, if neglected, can derail your shift from measurement to improvement. Join the discussion as we share our experience with common pitfalls and best practices to ensure your data drives meaningful improvements. By attending, you’ll receive our comprehensive guide on creating an effective response plan.

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Session 3: Transform

Finally, we go deep into action planning. We’ll cover incentives, timing, resourcing, prioritizing when too many opportunities exist. Where do your biggest opportunities live inside your data? How do you act on those? Elements of change management, communication techniques, and common recommendations we make will also make an appearance here. Take away a sample communication tool or action plan template you can apply immediately.