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FCPA Compliance Report Podcast: Closing the Speak-Up Gap

FCPA Compliance Report

Dive into the latest insights with Tom Fox and Ethisphere’s Chief Strategy Office Erica Salmon Byrne on the FCPA Compliance Report podcast. In this episode, they unpack the 2024 Ethical Culture Report from Ethisphere, focusing on bridging the “Speak-Up Gap.” Learn about trends from Ethisphere’s ethical culture dataset, which represents the views of more than 3 million employees from around the world.

Discover crucial findings on Ethisphere’s Eight Pillars of an Ethical Culture which cover the things that and ethics and compliance team should care about: do my people know what to do? Is the training working? Do they know where to find the code of conduct? Will they say something when they see something? Who influences their behavior the most? The Eight Pillars covers the key elements of an ethical culture: from employees’ perceptions of their managers and leaders, to whether they feel pressure to perform ‘at any cost’, to whether they fear retaliation if they do speak up, understanding of the company values, and more. 

One of the key ways to advance culture is to make sure that employees can talk to a person, particularly their managers, about witnessing ethical misconduct. Hotlines matter, emails and communications matter, but most important is the role of managers, since 60% of employees turn to managers to report concerns. Learn about how to prepare managers for talking with employees about the importance of business integrity, and why it’s important to report ethical misconduct. Also learn about how to address generational differences, and the latest reporting trends, and strategies to tackle retaliation and dissatisfaction in reporting mechanisms. Also learn about the ‘tenure smile’ – where employees in the middle of the curve are less inclined to speak up and report misconduct. Tune in to hear Erica share practical steps for enhancing your compliance team’s ethical culture and stay ahead in fostering a transparent workplace environment. 

Don’t miss this deep dive into the future of compliance!