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What the FDIC’s Toxic Workplace Culture Can Teach Us

What the FDIC's Toxic Workplace Culture Can Teach Us

On November 13, the Wall Street Journal published a bombshell report by Rebecca Ballhaus detailing a pervasive toxic culture at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, the federal agency that oversees the stability of the U.S. banking system. The report involved interviews with more than 100 FDIC employees and detailed a gruesome record of misbehavior, including misogyny, sexual harassment, alcohol abuse, managerial neglect, speak-up retaliation, and more. Joining us to offer her expert insight on what lessons ethics and compliance professionals can learn from the situation at the FDIC is Ethisphere’s Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Chair, Erica Salmon Byrne.

  • Upholding cultural expectations for traveling employees
  • What to do about workplace fiefdoms
  • The connection to this Spring’s bank failures
  • A potential silver lining for E&C professionals
  • Tips for surviving a toxic workplace

“Strip Clubs, Lewd Photos and a Boozy Hotel: The Toxic Atmosphere at Bank Regulator FDIC”